10 Plus Shopping Tools And Apps For Twitter Users

Best shopping resources, tools and apps for Twitter. Search products, latest trends and cheap deals.

  1. That's So Swag - World's first real-time Fashion Search Engine. That's So Swag keeps you up to date on what people are buzzing about in the world of Fashion. Find popular products and topics with just one click.
  2. JustBought.it - JustBought.it is a location-based social shopping app that allows you to share photos and tweets on amazing finds as you stumble upon them. You can tweet using our iphone app or add a "just bought" button to your online store! Go shopping and discover where the hottest deals are in town and get instant feedback from your twitter community!
  3. Shopseen - Social shopping for local shoppers. Sign-in with Twitter and post pics of stuff from local stores. See what other shoppers are finding in your area now. Win gift cards to the best local stores.
  4. Book Price Check - a simple way to check book prices via reply and direct message to your mobile device.
  5. RedTagTweets.com - a clean and easy to use directory for coupons, deals, and discounts on twitter. Search or browse through a list of stores.
  6. Twtwlst - A simple gift registry. Enter the occasion, products andlinks. Share it with your tweeple via a short url. No username/password required. (By @twtapps)
  7. CheapTweet combines digg-style user ratings with Twitter conversation analysis to find the best retail deals people are tweeting about. The more a deal gets re-tweeted and spread around Twitter, the higher it goes in the rankings. Spammy behaviors like duplicate tweets are penalized.
  8. TwitShop - TwitShop uses the real-time power of Twitter to help you find personal sale, trade, and auction items.
  9. Twitbooks- download FREE pdf formatted Ebooks on ABAP,Siemens SAP,SAP material,Oracle9i Complete Reference,ASP
  10. HowMuchIs - a quick and easy price check tool. Tweet it the name of an item, and it'll tweet you back the three lowest prices, with ratings and direct links to merchants. Covers millions of products including TVs, cameras, and other consumer goods.
  11. bazaartwits - A social shopping site that tries to help people find, tweet and share deals.